DeepLynx is an open-source data warehouse that integrates digital engineering into complex projects. It leverages digital threads through extensive software integrations across project life cycles. Data is stored in a graph-like format based on user-defined ontologies. With a GraphQL interface, users can make precise queries, facilitating the discovery of relationships within complex datasets and enhancing data science and AI/ML efforts.
Data Integration Aggregated Model and Ontology for Nuclear Deployment (DIAMOND) is a data model that streamlines data flow and methodologies for nuclear power plants. By standardizing data storage and exchange, it creates a unified data warehouse within nuclear power plants. This model offers several benefits, including cost savings through automated data searches, facilitating data integration and comparison across tools and plants, and enhancing digital data management.
The Framework for Optimization of ResourCes and Economics (FORCE) is a suite of software tools, models, and datasets developed under the Integrated Energy Systems program. It facilitates the analysis of the technical and economic viability of various integrated energy system configurations. FORCE serves as the central interface and data repository for all integrated energy systems tool sets, encompassing everything from macro technoeconomic analysis to transient process modeling and experimental validation.
INL’s high performance computing resources provide scientific computing capabilities to support efforts in advanced modeling and simulation. These resources support a wide range of research activities, including multiscale multiphysics performance analysis of nuclear fuel, materials in harsh environments, and existing light water and advanced nuclear reactors.
INL’s Human System Simulation Laboratory is a virtual nuclear control room designed to safely test new technologies before deployment in commercial reactors. It simulates digital, analog and hybrid systems using touch-screen versions of physical controls like switches and gauges. This highly configurable simulator supports various real control room formats, enabling testing of digital upgrades and new operational concepts for advanced reactors.
The Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE) is a cutting-edge finite-element, multiphysics framework developed at INL. It offers a user-friendly application programming interface that seamlessly integrates with advanced nonlinear solver technology. MOOSE addresses real-world scientific and engineering challenges, streamlining everything from installation to running simulations on state-of-the-art supercomputers to accelerate research efforts.
The Risk Analysis Virtual Environment (RAVEN) is a versatile framework for uncertainty quantification, probabilistic risk assessment, data analysis and model optimization. It perturbs system responses using techniques like Monte Carlo and Latin hypercube, and interfaces with third-party software (e.g., RELAP5-3D, MAAP5, BISON). RAVEN analyzes data with statistical and data mining methods and manages parallel processing on desktops and high-performance computing machines.
INL’s Resilient Control Systems hardware-in-the-loop laboratory supports cognitive and cyber-physical systems research, sponsored by the departments of Energy, Defense and Homeland Security. It provides a real-world test bed with high-fidelity emulators and control system hardware/software for piloting technologies before full-scale deployment. This setup demonstrates and quantifies the benefits of new technologies for potential customers.
The Special Reactors Concepts delivers cutting-edge research and development for space and defense nuclear reactor technologies. It’s designed to close existing technological gaps, establish benchmark data and refine engineering processes. This capability is essential for supplying high-density energy, ensuring that our space and defense sectors have access to reliable and advanced nuclear power solutions.
The Systems Integration Laboratory is a reconfigurable setup designed for researching technology, grid-integration and hybridization. It includes various lab environments and assets such as low- and high-power electric vehicles chargers, a microgrid with diverse generation and storage options, high temperature electrolyzers, and thermal loops that mimic power plant heat profiles. These technologies are integrated using digital real-time simulators and grid emulators for hardware testing under both normal and off-normal grid conditions.